Empowered Women Book Club

Let's talk books!

I'm excited to introduce a new book club in 2025!

With all the recent changes and uncertainty in the world, I want to speak about books that inspire us and invite us to consider what makes an empowered woman. What choices do they make or fail to make? How do they recover and become who they want to be?

I'm delighted to launch the book club with a discussion with my mother, Dr Djenane Nakhle, who recently published her memoir, Finding Home: From Cairo to New York. We'll talk about defying social norms and paths to freedom. As two memoirists, we'll also talk about how we decided to publish our stories.

Welcome to the club! I hope you'll join us. Email joelle@joelletamraz.com for the video link.

opened book on brown soil
opened book on brown soil
About the Book Club

Meetings will take place every 4-6 weeks. We'll read from a wide variety of memoirs written by women from different cultures, upbringings, ethnicity, identities and points of view. The common thread is making bold choices, breaking the mold of the patriarchy, and finding freedom.

Upcoming Meetings – 1PM EST / 6PM UK time

February 27 - Finding Home from Cairo to New York by Djenane Nakhle

April 10 - book TBC

May 8 - book TBC

June 19 - book TBC

Email joelle@joelletamraz.com for video link

Book Selection:

Manifesto on Never Giving Up by Bernadine Evaristo

The Only Way Through Is Out by Suzette Mullen

A Well-Trained Wife by Tia Levings
Tap Dancing on Everest by Mimi Zieman

I Am a Girl from Africa by Elizabeth Nyamayaro

Worthy: From Cornfields to Corner Office of Microsoft by Jane Boulware