Coaching and Editing Services

Book Coaching

Do you need help telling your story?

I can read your work and give you detailed and specific feedback on structure, pace, language, and themes. My focus is on the big picture of a story and how strongly it comes across. I pick out buried gems and encourage you to polish them. I point out where tension lags or the narrative line is crowded by details. I am fluent in both the American and British English language and styles and a member of the Society of Authors.

My regular fee is £50 ($65) per hour for ongoing projects. I offer the following packages

  • £450 ($600) for a full manuscript assessment or 6 coaching sessions + reading of up to 10 pages/session

  • £750 ($950) for a developmental edit.

If you'd like to speak about your project, please contact me to schedule a complimentary 30-minute consultation:

Life Coaching

I decided to become a certified life coach as part of my recovery from a controlling relationship and childhood trauma. My coaching is focused on empowering women to identify and pursue what they want and need.

  • £50/session, £135 (10% discount) for a block of three sessions

a white box with writing on it next to a plant
a white box with writing on it next to a plant


If you get a chance to work with Joelle Tamraz, jump at the opportunity ~ she's truly gifted! I sent her my memoir (that I'd been working on for years) to beta read, and not only was she able to point out my blind spots, but she also knew how to gently point me in the right direction. Somehow, Joelle could see the whole picture while giving me concrete feedback on how to fix specific things. I followed Joelle's suggestions to the letter, and found them invaluable at taking my memoir to the next level. I'm so grateful, I've acknowledged her contribution (with only a handful of other people) in my memoir.
— Brenda DeWitz Niman, memoirist

Joelle’s many skills make her an exceptional beta reader. She understands what makes a story work, and what might make it work better. Because of her reading, I am recrafting several of my characters to be more complex and satisfying. Her comments on language, genre, storyline, setting, and theme were hugely helpful. She is generous, organised, clear, and prompt with her feedback. My book will be many levels better for having been through her hands.
— Ellen Symons, literary fiction author, Canada

Joelle was an astute and empathetic beta reader of my project. She offered insightful commentary on big-picture topics such as characterization, narrative voice, and plot, as well as line-level feedback on particular words and sentences. It was clear she had read my book carefully and understood my goals, and her feedback helped shape my revisions. I'm grateful for her help in getting my book ready for the world's eyes.
— Jill Witty, upmarket fiction author