Additional Resources

Piercing the Mirage: New Age/Spirituality/Yoga cults, undue influence and toxic culture

green grass and trees during daytime
green grass and trees during daytime
Organizations - empowering seekers; informing about deception and exploitation in the self-help industry; encouraging accountability among self-help practitioners - Sharing Stories, Connecting Survivors

Books and Videos

Memoir - PREMKA - White Bird in a Golden Cage by Pamela Saharah Dyson
Manipulation and abuse at the heart of the Kundalini Yoga cult (3HO) and its founder Yogi Bhakan

Memoir - SCARRED - The True Story of How I Escaped NXIVM by Sarah Edmondson
Falling into and escaping from the NXIVM cult as an adult

Memoir - THIS SWEET LIFE - How We Lived after Kirby Died by Ginny Brown and Jean Brown
The dangers of the unregulated self-help industry and its impact on vulnerable seekers

Memoir - UNCULTURED by Daniella Mestyanek Young
Growing up int he Children of God sex cult, then experiencing group control and indoctrination in the US military

Cults Leaders Don't Become Cult Leaders by Accident by Daniella Mestyanek Young

Documentary (BBC) - GURU: Yoga - Power - Abuse
Investigation into sexual abuse allegations at Sivananda Ashram in India

Documentary (Netflix) - BIKRAM: Yogi, Guru, Predator
Rise and fall of Bikram Choudhoury, founder of hot yoga

Documentary (Netflix) - WILD WILD COUNTRY
About sex cult leader Rajneesh (Osho) and his plan to found a utopian city